Monday, June 2, 2008

Weekend Fishing Report

The Crew:

  • Capt. Bill
  • Kerry
  • Dave (Mr. Whiteboots)
  • and myself

The Boat: The Attitude
Target Fish: Sea Bass

After watching the Marine Weather-Guessers forecast all week long, we assembled a crew to once again go hunt Black Sea Bass. This time, a little further off-shore. With forecasts all week long of low winds and relatively calm seas for Sunday, I was looking forward to a nice smooth ride within 50 miles of the shoreline. Of course, come Saturday, the Weatherguessers started tweaking the forecast. It’s almost as if the Weatherguessers are in cahoots with all of the businesses that count on weekend tourists, weekend anglers, campers, boaters, surfers, sun worshipers and fare-weather shoppers.

Before you say “that’s just crazy talk”, think about it! I’m not normally one of those conspiracy theorist types, but I can’t think of any other reason why Weatherguessers start off the first half of every week with an upcoming weekend forecast of beautiful, sunny and in my case, low wind and low seas forecast. Then some time between Thursday afternoon and very early Saturday morning, after all the plans are made and all the reservations are set, the forecast goes to crap. Too late! The plans are set, the reservations are made and in many cases, deposits have been paid. See what I mean?

Enough of that crazy talk. I think I’m going to work on a post specifically on the subject of Weatherguessers, their accuracy and what might be done to incentivize or otherwise motivate them to develop tools that make them much more accurate. Any and all suggestions are welcome! More to come.

On to the report: As commented on above, the Saturday morning forecast had changed and the small craft advisory had been extended into Saturday night. Not to worry. It was to be lifted by 1am Sunday morning. Another check Saturday night found the small craft advisory had not been lifted, but surprise! It had been extended to 6am Sunday morning. However, the sea-state prediction was only calling for 3 to 4 foot seas with an 8 second period and winds were out of the SW. If nothing else, we could stay closer to land. Either way it should be manageable and it was supposed to get even nicer as the morning progressed.

Fast forward to 6am Sunday morning. I have 2 neighbors in my driveway and one other crew member that drives 2 hours from Richmond, waiting for a fishing trip. Boat’s hooked up to the truck, fish boxes are both loaded with ice. Lunch, drinks, tackle and rods are all onboard so we’re not going to disappoint. After all, why did I buy this new boat if I can’t handle a 4 foot sea? We head to the ramp.

When we get to the ramp 2 other boats were sitting in front of them, still on their trailers. Seems one of them, a little Sea Hunt, had tried to make it to the tower but gave up, turned around and came back in. The other guy, hearing the Sea Hunt's story, decided not to launch. We however, continued on. I figured, what the heck, let’s at least stick the bow out past the jetty and see for ourselves. Let me tell you, my big - little Sailfish did right-well (that’s Southern speak for she did a great job) in the 4 to 6 foot rollers.

We made our way out averaging 25mph. Not a bad ride. It really wasn't that bad since the swell was spaced pretty nicely. After a 20 mile run, our destination was confirmed, first by the arrival signal from my GPS and then again as we watch the outline of a long ago sunken wreck-tuned-fish-heaven on my digital fishfinder screen. We caught Sea Bass steady all day and on every piece of structure we visited. Unfortunately we only had 19 keepers for the day. Well, 20, but I let one of them buggers slip out of my hand. I’m pretty sure it stuck it’s tongue out at me as it hit the water and quickly swam away. Biggest fish of the day was somewhere between 3 and 4 pounds. We caught and released another 30 or so that were too short to keep and I put tags in an even dozen.

As usual, there’s always something that happens on a long fishing trip. A blunder, a hatch dropping on a foot, a hook stuck in someone’s hand or an exploding beer. On this trip, it was a little thing called ‘Sea sickness’. Yes, one of my crew was going the extra mile to help chum up the fish. I won’t “out” the poor guy, but I will say it wasn’t me!!! :-) He got quite a bit of ribbing from at least one other member of the crew. Me, I learned my lesson a long, long time ago. I was fishing out of San Diego with an old friend, oh, close to 30 years ago. We had a couple guys on board and one of them started tossing up breakfast. Boy did I give him a hard time. Well, it was no more than an hour or two later, I found myself hanging over the side. So, since then, with the exception of a few times aboard ship, I don’t rib fellow fishermen.

Well, if you've gotten this far in the post, thanks for reading. Feel free to provide comments, your own outdoors story or any helpful suggestions.. Especially if they have something to do with improving marine forecasting. Just click on the 'comments' tag below.

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